Scripted HUD Widgets

The scripted HUD widgets page allows you to define script-accessible HUD widgets that can be displayed and customized by the script.

The only attribute of a HUD widget that you can customize here is its position on-screen; the text and other visuals are set by the script code and can even be changed on the fly (though they have to be the same for all players). If two HUD widgets have the same position, they will not overlap; they will be positioned adjacent to each other in an intelligent fashion. However, some widget positions will overlap standard HUD elements such as the shield bar or motion tracker. Additionally, if a gametype tries to display more than two widgets to the same player at the same position, only two of them will actually be shown by the game, preferring ones earlier in the widget list.

Most of the page is taken up by an image which displays where the HUD widget will appear. This preview only shows the selected widget, and it assumes that only the selected widget is showing.

Note that the bottom-right widget position is only suitable for "meter" widgets — that is, those which use the "set_meter_params" function. Widgets in this position can display icons and meters, but not any text. The widget will appear below the hardcoded scoring UI.