Script Editor

The script editor window can be used to modify a gametype's script. The script determines a gametype's behavior. Gametype code isn't built into the game engine anymore; with Halo: Reach, each game variant includes its own copy of a gametype's code, and that code can be modified to produce entirely new game modes.

The pane on the left can be used to select a page to view. The bar on the bottom shows how much of the available space in the game variant has been used up; it's a good way to tell at a glance how "full" a file is.

The pages in this window are:

Metadata Strings
Edit strings used for localizing gametype categories.
All Other Strings
Edit strings used by the gametype data and script.
Forge Labels
Edit the gametype's Forge labels.
Map Permissions
Control what maps the player can play this gametype on.
Player Rating Parameters
Control how this gametype interacts with Bungie's Arena rating system.
Required Object Types
Specify which object types a map must define for this gametype.
Scripted Options
Define which Custom Game options this gametype offers.
Scripted Player Traits
Define which player traits this gametype offers.
Scripted Stats
Define scripted scoreboard stats for this gametype.
Scripted HUD Widgets
Define scripted HUD widgets for this gametype.
Gametype Code
The compiler and decompiler. This is where the magic happens.