Metadata Strings

The metadata strings page allows you to edit text used as metadata for the gametype.

The fields available to edit are as follows:

A localized name for the game variant.
A localized description for the game variant.
A localized name for the category. This isn't used in Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Presumably, in the Xbox 360 release of Halo: Reach, this would be used to name an extended category ID if a game variant used one.
Generic Name
In Halo: The Master Chief Collection, this is used to generate a localization key for the game variant filename. If a certain flag is set inside of the game variant file, then its embedded title will be ignored in favor of a localization key of the form $HR_GVAR_GenericNameHere. However, ReachVariantTool always clears that flag in order to ensure that you can actually set a game variant's name.