Main Window

The main window offers access to Halo: Reach's most basic settings. Its exact contents will vary depending on the type of file you load; this article describes the contents for Firefight game variants.

The pane on the left can be used to select a page to view.

The pages in this window are:

Edit a game variant's title, description, and category.
Firefight Settings
Edit basic settings related to Firefight.
Player Lives
Edit settings related to players' extra lives.
Spartan and Elite Respawn Settings
Edit respawn times. Spartan and Elite players can be given different settings.
Spartan and Elite Respawn Traits
Edit the traits that players are briefly given after they respawn. Spartan and Elite players can be given different settings.
Base Spartan Traits
Edit the traits applied to all player-controlled Spartans.
Base Elite Traits
Edit the traits applied to all player-controlled Elites.
Base Wave Traits
Edit the traits applied to all NPCs.
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Edit the settings for each round.
Bonus Wave
Edit settings for the Bonus Wave.
Red Skull
Blue Skull
Yellow Skull
Edit the effects of each Custom Skull.
General Settings
Edit basic settings related to scoring and time limits.
Social Settings
Edit settings related to chat and teamplay.
Base Player Traits
Edit the baseline traits that apply to all players. These are overridden by Base Spartan Traits and Base Elite Traits.
Team Settings
Edit basic settings and internal configuration for teams.
Team #
Edit internal configuration for each individual team.
Loadout Settings
Edit baseline settings for loadouts.

Sections hidden by default

Firefight files contain the same set of Custom Game options as normal Multiplayer game variants, but not all of these options are functional. By default, ReachVariantTool will hide Firefight settings that are known to be non-functional. Those settings include the following sections:

Map and Game Settings
Edit settings related to the map and powerups.
Red Powerup Traits
Edit the traits conferred by the Overshield powerup.
Blue Powerup Traits
Edit the traits conferred by the Active Camo powerup.
Yellow Powerup Traits
Edit the traits conferred by the Custom Powerup.
Tier 2 and 3 Loadouts
Edit settings for loadouts.