Respawn Settings

The respawn settings page allows you to edit settings related to how players respawn.

The fields available to edit are as follows:

Synchronize with Team
Controls whether player respawn timers run independently or synchronize with those of their teammates.
Respawn with Teammate (unverified)
Unknown. Testing failed to identify any obvious effect.
Respawn at Location (unverified)
Unknown. Testing failed to identify any obvious effect.
Respawn on Kills
Testing is pending.
Lives per Round
Controls the maximum number of times a player can die before they are unable to respawn again. The value "unlimited" exists in place of zero (i.e. to reach it, decrease the value to "1 life" and then decrease it again).
Team Lives per Round
Presumably controls the maximum number of lives available to a team as a whole; testing is pending. The value "unlimited" exists in place of zero (i.e. to reach it, decrease the value to "1 life" and then decrease it again).
Respawn Time
The baseline delay between dying and respawning, for all players.
Suicide Penalty
The number of seconds added to the delay on a player's next spawn, if they died by their own hand or were killed by a level boundary.
Betrayal Penalty
The number of seconds added to the delay on a player's next spawn, if they have killed a teammate.
Respawn Time Growth
Every time a player dies, their respawn time increases by this amount. If a player kills an enemy, their respawn time will decrease by this amount, though it will not fall below the base respawn time.
Loadout Camera Time
A delay between the start of the match and the first time players spawn in. This delay encompasses the initial black screen with a scoreboard, the fade in, and the display of the Initial Loadout Camera view (during which time players can select a loadout).
Respawn Traits Duration
Controls how long players have Respawn Traits after respawning.