Main Window

The main window offers access to Halo: Reach's most basic settings.

The pane on the left can be used to select a page to view.

The pages in this window are:

Edit a game variant's title, description, and category.
General Settings
Edit basic settings related to scoring and time limits.
Respawn Settings
Edit respawn times.
Respawn Traits
Edit the traits that players are briefly given after they respawn.
Social Settings
Edit settings related to chat and teamplay.
Map and Game Settings
Edit settings related to the map and powerups.
Base Player Traits
Edit the baseline traits that apply to all players.
Red Powerup Traits
Edit the traits conferred by the Overshield powerup.
Blue Powerup Traits
Edit the traits conferred by the Active Camo powerup.
Yellow Powerup Traits
Edit the traits conferred by the Custom Powerup.
Team Settings
Edit basic settings and internal configuration for teams.
Team #
Edit internal configuration for each individual team.
Loadout Settings
Edit baseline settings for loadouts.
Script-Specific Settings
Edit settings specific to each gametype.
Option Visibility
Control which options are visible in the in-game menus.
Title Update Settings
Edit configuration information for Title Update 1.
Forge Settings
Edit Forge-related options. This only appears when loading a Forge game variant.