
Type: Team

The eight teams that can exist in a match can be accessed directly via team[n], where n is a number between 0 and 7, inclusive.

Typically, in the first round of a match, the team indices will be consistent: team[0] is Red Team, the first team in the list; team[1] is Blue Team, the second team in the list; and so on. However, you may be aware that teams commonly switch sides and roles with every round. This happens at the engine level: the game engine silently remaps the team indices so that Red Team and Blue Team switch places: Red Team becomes team[1] and Blue Team becomes team[0].

There's also an additional complication: when editing the settings for each team, the "initial designator" can be changed. This changes what index the team will have in the first round.

The full behavior of this system is not understood; for example, it is not clear whether or how Teams 3 and up are swapped between rounds.

These values are read-only.

See also